We have a lot of important information floating around on our computers and cell phones these days. You know, like those incriminating photos you took of your best bud when he was drunk out of his mind. You'd hate to lose that juicy gossip material, so it is imperative that you find a safe and secure way to back it all up. Well, AT&T is set to roll out their new Mobile Backup service on June 8. Using this service, all the stuff you got stashed on your phone will be automatically backed up in some cloud in the sky.You can either choose to have the service do its duty automatically -- daily or weekly -- or manually. The AT&T Mobile Backup Service will not work with every phone in their lineup, but the list of compatible handsets is fairly lengthy, spanning offerings from Motorola, Samsung, and Sony Ericsson. Interestingly, no smartphone is mentioned.AT&T Mobile Backup isn't free, of course, so expect to pony up about two bucks a month to subscribe